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5 Myths About Infertility

April 24 – 30, 2016 is Infertility Awareness Week. Infertility affects more couples than you may realize. Conceiving a child is something that many couples take for granted; however about one in five couples have trouble conceiving after a year of trying.

Here are five common myths about infertility.

Myth #1 – See a doctor if you don’t conceive after three months of trying.
A healthy couple between ages 29 and 33 with normal functional reproductive systems has only a 20-25 percent chance of conceiving in any given month. Most couples will conceive after six months of trying without any kind of assistance. Most experts agree that if you are under 35, then after a year of trying to conceive you should consult with a doctor. If you are over 35, then see your physician after six months.

Myth #2 – In the majority of cases, infertility is the female’s fault.
The fact is that infertility affects both men and women equally. If conceiving is an issue, then both partners should consult with a doctor. It’s best to find the problem as soon as possible.

Myth #3 – Changing your lifestyle habits doesn’t affect your chances of getting pregnant.
Lifestyle decisions definitely affect your ability to conceive. Of course, smoking will decrease fertility for both males and females. Your weight, being overweight or underweight, also affects your chances of having a baby. In fact, 12 percent of all infertility cases are a result of weight issues. If these are factors, changing your habits will definitely help.

Myth #4 – Eating certain foods can help you be more fertile.
There’s not a magic diet that will help you see two lines on a pregnancy test. You don’t have to worry about cutting out caffeine or eating only fish. It’s a lot more important that you have a well-balanced, healthy diet. Eating foods rich in folic acids like leafy green vegetables, beans, and citrus fruits can benefit pregnancy.

Myth #5 – If I see a specialist about infertility that means I’ll have to have in vitro.
The good news is that 85-90 percent of all infertility cases can be treated with drug therapy or surgical procedures. Less than three percent of couples need advanced reproductive technologies, such as in vitro fertilization.

At Arkansas Urology, infertility is one of our specialties. We see couples who are having issues conceiving, determine the cause and help them determine the right treatment for them. Give us a call today to make an appointment or talk with someone in our office, 1-877-321-8452.

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