Living with OAB (overactive bladder) can raise many concerns. One main concern of many who suffer from OAB is the odor it can leave behind when accidents occur.
The good news is that you can minimize the odor OAB can leave through small changes and the use of various products. By reducing the odor in your urine, the less you will have to worry when you do leak. You can reduce the odor in your urine several ways.
Make sure you are staying hydrated. It can be tempting to drink less, but if you do not drink enough water, it can concentrate your urine and make the smell more potent. Stick to drinking six to eight glasses of water a day or by having a glass of fruit juice that is noncitrus to dilute the odor. Cranberry juice is a great juice to reduce the acidity in your urine. If you cannot drink that much, ask your doctor if you can try taking deodorizing tablets or supplements. By eliminating coffee, carbonated drinks, spicy foods, alcohol and asparagus you can reduce odors as well.
It is very beneficial to clean yourself, your clothing and bedding to reduce the scent. Vinegar and baking soda are great to add into the wash to ensure your belongings smell fresh. After an accident, be sure to wash yourself thoroughly and put on clean clothing. If you wear adult diapers or something similar, try to find products that are odor eliminating or odor reducing and ensure that they fit properly. Lastly, you can purchase a mattress protector that completely covers the mattress to prevent leaks from soaking through.
If these tips and tricks are not helping to reduce the odor from OAB, it may be time to see your doctor to check for possible infections.