Things to Consider when getting a Vasectomy

A vasectomy is a big decision in a man’s life and demands a great deal of thought. The procedure cuts and removes the vas deferens tube, which transports sperm from the testicles to semen, making a man sterile. 

Whether weighing out your birth control options or looking for more information on the procedure, here are five important considerations about vasectomies from Arkansas Urology.

Be on the same page as your partner. 

It’s crucial that you discuss the short-term and long-term implications of a vasectomy with your partner. Ultimately, a vasectomy is your decision. However, a conversation about what a vasectomy could mean for you AND your partner may lead to considerations and perspectives you hadn’t considered before. 

A vasectomy isn’t 100% effective immediately following the surgery.

Vasectomies are the most effective form of male birth control, but it takes time to clear the sperm from your system. When engaging in sexual activity, it’s highly encouraged that you wear protection for a few months following the vasectomy. Your urologist will conduct a follow-up test and semen sample two to three months, or roughly 20-30 ejaculations, after the procedure to confirm the success of the vasectomy.

Reversal surgery isn’t guaranteed to work. 

While there are a number of reversal vasectomy surgeries available, they’re not guaranteed to restore fertility. Multiple attempts at reversals can also be costly, emphasizing the need for confidence in your decision to undergo the initial vasectomy. 

A vasectomy doesn’t protect you or potential partners against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Vasectomies offer men the ability to have unprotected sex with minimal risk of pregnancy. However, the birth control method does not protect men against STIs. It’s recommended that men with vasectomies wear a condom for full protection against STIs such as chlamydia or HIV/AIDS. 

There are lots of misconceptions about vasectomies.

Many men worry that vasectomies will affect their sexual performance or permanently damage their sexual organs. There’s no supporting evidence that a vasectomy lowers a man’s sex drive or masculinity and the procedure involves very little risk to the testicles, penis or other parts of the reproductive system. 


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