Does Obesity Affect Your Bladder?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 41.9% of Americans are considered obese. The American epidemic is a focus for many doctors when diagnosing patients with incontinence or an overactive bladder, as many physicians consider obesity to be a leading contributor to bladder-control problems. 

Added weight or strain on the bladder can weaken or damage the urethra, the tube which carries urine out of the body. Excess abdominal weight can also weaken the pelvic floor, generally leading to stress incontinence and urine leakage when sneezing, coughing or laughing. 

For many, the symptoms of overactive bladder and incontinence can severely impact quality of life. These symptoms can undermine our confidence and lead to feelings of embarrassment. From family gatherings to summer vacations, incontinence or overactive bladder due to obesity can change how we view ourselves and prohibit us from chasing our passions. 

If you’re experiencing any of the following issues, it’s important that you seek out urological care or ask your general provider about your symptoms: 

  • Frequent urination.
  • Waking up multiple times at night to urinate. 
  • Constantly feeling like you need to urinate. 
  • Urine leakage when coughing, sneezing, laughing or exercising.
  • Sudden and uncontrollable urges to urinate. 
  • Urinating while sleeping. 

These bladder-control issues and symptoms aren’t rare. In fact, nearly 25 million Americans struggle with incontinence, and over 33% report being affected by an overactive bladder.

If you’ve ever:

  • Been worried about having a urinary accident while on vacation. 
  • Been afraid you won’t make it to the bathroom during a road trip.
  • Been worried that others might notice your frequent bathroom visits.

Know that you are not alone

These are all thoughts that cross our minds at one point or another, but they don’t have to be as debilitating as we make them out to be. It’s time to take your health into your own hands and start enjoying big trips and little moments. 

Start by making healthy diet choices and incorporating daily exercise into your routine. If you smoke cigarettes, it’s important that you cut these out completely. Arkansas Urology also recommends that you limit caffeine and alcohol consumption. 

Whether you’re experiencing the effects of an overactive bladder, incontinence or worry that obesity could impact your urological health, Arkansas Urology is here to help.

We strive to provide each and every patient with nondiscriminatory, life-changing care. For more information on access, visit our FAQ section. Schedule an appointment with Arkansas Urology to receive advanced treatment today!

Ready to schedule an appointment? Contact us today or book your appointment online. We look forward to seeing you soon.


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