glass of water

Drinking More Water With OAB

Drinking more water makes most lists of healthy tips that you see. However, for people who suffer from overactive bladder the idea of drinking more water can be immediately ignored or maybe even a little scary meaning more trips to the bathroom or possibilities of accidents. However, drinking water can actually be helpful.

It’s logical to think if you are spending all your time in the bathroom that you don’t need to drink much, but that is not the case. Drinking water is actually one of the best things you can do for overactive bladder.

It’s best to spread out your water intake throughout the day. Take sips; don’t gulp down a lot of water at once. And also, make sure it’s water you’re drinking not just any fluid. Extra ingredients in soft drinks, energy drinks and even caffeine in coffee can aggravate your overactive bladder.

Think about your bladder like a sponge. It needs to get wet to start absorbing water. Your bladder should be saturated with water to expand to hold more.

When you stop drinking anything, you actually do more harm than good. This can result in highly concentrated urine. When you are drinking enough water, your urine should be light yellow or almost colorless. When your urine is darker and more concentrated you put yourself at risk for a urinary tract infection.

Hydration is one of the most important healthy habits. Remember your body is about 70% water, so it’s important to make sure you are drinking enough water. If you still have questions about your water intake and overactive bladder, our providers would be happy to talk to you more. Call us today at 1-877-321-8452 to make an appointment or talk to one of our staff members.

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