man with glasses smiling

Enlarged Prostate: What Does it Mean?

Enlarged prostate, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), is a fairly common urological condition among men. In fact, enlarged prostate symptoms occur in more than half of all men between the ages of 51 and 60, and it’s even more common in men over 70. Risk factors include aging, conditions such as diabetes, and family history.

The good news is prostate enlargement isn’t cancer and doesn’t appear to lead to cancer. However, as your prostate grows, it can squeeze down on your urethra. You may experience uncomfortable symptoms such as:

  • Frequent urination
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Weak or slow urine flow
  • Feeling that your bladder isn’t empty
  • Painful or difficult urination
  • Increased nighttime bathroom visits disrupting sleep

BPH can be diagnosed with the UroCuff Test, a noninvasive procedure used to evaluate urine flow, bladder function and voiding pressure. It’s simple and a comfortable option for most patients, and helps physicians empirically evaluate bladder functioning over time. Other tests that may be offered include a prostate-specific antigen test, digital rectal exam, urinalysis, ultrasound or blood creatinine test.

When it comes to an enlarged prostate, treatment options include medication, UroLift, laser treatment and surgery. Your urologist will be able to explain these options in detail and suggest the best method of treatment for your unique situation. The good news is surgical treatment is typically a last resort reserved for rare cases. Most of the time, less invasive treatments will be able to relieve your symptoms and restore your quality of life.

At Arkansas Urology, we’re here for you. Do you suffer from enlarged prostate and have questions? Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our professionals to discuss your options, or book an appointment online in minutes.

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