woman tying her shoe

How Can Women Promote Pelvic Health?

Pelvic health is a factor of our lives that many people don’t begin to consider until they start experiencing age and illness. Being proactive is the key to promoting pelvic health and maintaining it through life! Here is our advice for steps you can take right now:

1.Strengthen the Pelvic Floor.

The Kegel exercise is the best way to exercise the muscles that contain the contents of your pelvis, aka your pelvic floor. These muscles keep different organs in place, maintain the function and control of the bladder and bowels, and help maintain the muscle tone needed for a satisfying sex life. Practicing Kegels one to three times daily will optimize your results.

2.Maintain a Healthy Body Weight

All factors of health are generally connected in one way or another. As you age, eating healthy and staying active will help prevent a multitude of diseases, and incontinence is one of them. Excess weight puts a strain on the pelvic muscles that often leads to weakening and tearing. Avoiding it will lessen the strain on your pelvis as a whole.

3.Understand the Way the Body Ages

As we age, the body lessens its collagen production, leading to decreased connective tissue and more stress on the area. This can be lessened with the inclusion of some supplements to your diet, like glucosamine or chondroitin sulfate.

The important thing to remember about pelvic health is that prevention is key. Consistency with pelvic floor exercises, particularly during pregnancy, and a generally healthy lifestyle are the best ways to promote and maintain pelvic health. If you’d like more personalized information about how to improve your pelvic health, or have decided it’s time to reach out for treatment of pelvic pain, visit us online or call 800-255-1762 to schedule an appointment. With modern treatment, there’s no need to suffer in silence.

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