
How Does Your Weight Affect Urology Conditions?

The prevalence of obesity has increased rapidly in the United States with nearly one third of Americans now being obese. Obesity is now recognized as one of the most significant factors for numerous medical disorders and diseases. This includes a wide range of urologic diseases from stones to infections to cancers.

There is a direct correlation between kidney stones and your body mass index (BMI). While 11.2 percent of obese Americans have kidney stones, only 6.1 percent of Americans who are average weight develop kidney stones. In general, an obese person’s body needs more water, so it’s easier for them to be dehydrated which is one of the main causes for kidney stones. Losing weight will also decrease your risk of stones.

Developing kidney stones is not the only urologic condition that obesity can affect. It’s also a risk factor for prostate cancer. Obesity also makes diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer more difficult. Often times, the more aggressive types of prostate cancer are found in men who are overweight. Kidney cancer is more common in both men and women who are obese. The higher the BMI, the more your risk of developing kidney cancer gets.

Excess weight can also increase pressure on the bladder causing overactive bladder. Obesity often decreases blood flow and nerve activity which leads to control issues.

Obesity impacts your health in more ways than you might think. Find a good nutrition plan and start some kind of physical activity to help you shed a few pounds. It will definitely lower your risk for many diseases and conditions.

If you’re interested in learning more about obesity’s specific risk factors for urologic conditions. Give us a call today at 800-255-1762. We’d love to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

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