Did you know overactive bladder affects more than 33 million Americans of all ages? While you may feel alone in your journey, you certainly aren’t. When it comes to treatment options, you aren’t alone either. The professionals at Arkansas Urology offer a variety of treatment options, from medication to sacral nerve stimulation with InterStim. Behavior modifications include bladder training, biofeedback therapy, and Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles. We also highly recommend reducing caffeine and alcohol intake if you suffer from OAB, as they irritate the bladder and can worsen symptoms.
Your doctor may prescribe medication in conjunction with behavior modification, or if behavior modification techniques aren’t successful. Anticholinergic drugs—such as Detrol-LA and Ditropan-XL—are commonly prescribed to treat overactive bladder, as they relax and stabilize the bladder muscle and prevent involuntary contractions.