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Are UTIs Related to Bladder Cancer?

Fact or Fiction: There are no warning signs of bladder cancer other than a UTI.

A urinary tract infection (UTI) can definitely be a symptom. Of course, not everyone who has a UTI will be diagnosed with bladder cancer, but this is why it’s so important to seek treatment if you have a UTI because it can be a sign of something more.

For men, bladder cancer is the fourth most common form of cancer.However, it is less common in women. Nearly 90 percent of the people diagnosed with bladder cancer are over the age of 55. This type of cancer can spread to the kidneys, lungs, bones and brain if left untreated.

The bladder is a balloon-shaped organ that stores urine the kidneys have produced.Most bladder cancers originate in the bladder lining, and one of the most common symptoms is blood in the urine.It can appear as spotting on your toilet tissue or as bright red clots in the urine.

UTIs that keep reoccurring, as mentioned previously, could be a symptom of bladder cancer.Women are more prone than men to have UTIs. However, anyone making multiple trips to the doctor for treatment should recognize it as a potential sign of bladder cancer.

Painful urination or blood in the urine are common symptoms because the cancer tumors irritate the nerves in the bladder lining.It is not normal to experience discomfort when voiding or to have pain in the pelvic area that gets worse with time.

Symptoms of bladder cancer are similar to those of many other urinary problems, like urinary tract infections or kidney stones. So no, UTIs are not the only symptom of bladder cancer which is why it is important to share your concerns with a urologist or other health care provider for an accurate diagnosis.

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