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Questions To Ask When You Have Cancer

“You have cancer.” These are words that no one wants to hear. The feelings that result from a cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming and unfamiliar. Amongst all these feelings is typically a whirlwind of questions. It is important to speak openly and honestly with your doctor.

Regardless of the type of cancer, there are facts that you need to know and questions that you need to be sure to ask. Start with the basics. Make sure you know some of the most important details about what type of cancer, where and what stage of cancer. Many times technical terms and phrases that may not mean much to you, but having your personal diagnosis put into plain terms can help more than you might expect.

While you doctor will tell you the recommended treatment, you should also know the goal of treatment. Your treatment strategy will involve a combination of symptom treatment and a cure, and you will want to be able to distinguish them. Ask how your treatment will affect your day-to- day life. Will you need to make diet or lifestyle changes?

The question that might come first to your mind is about the future. What is the prognosis or the potential outcome of this diagnosis? Your doctor will be realistic with you about what expectations you should have about your treatment and its effectiveness.

Finally, the most helpful question you could ask is how you will be able to communicate with your treatment team in the future. Keeping an open line of communication will only help your treatment plan as you move forward.

If you have  any questions or need to consult with a physician, please give us a call at 1-877-321-8452.

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