senior man running in park

Men’s Health Month

June is Men’s Health Month, and the perfect time for men all over Arkansas to focus on prioritizing their health. When it comes to routine check ups and exams, it’s important to stay up-to-date. Early detection is key when you’re facing prostate cancer, testicular cancer or bladder cancer. What may seem like a minor annoyance to you could actually be a sign of something serious. It’s always best to go ahead and get your symptoms checked out. The skilled professionals at Arkansas Urology are here for you every step of the way, from prevention to treatment.

Prostate cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer deaths among men in the United States. When it’s detected early, however, there are a variety of treatment options to choose from. We recommend getting tested once a year once you reach the age of 55, or earlier if you have certain risk factors such as prostate cancer in your family history. Common symptoms include difficulty urinating, painful urination, blood in the urine, weight loss and lower back pain, among other problems.

Testicular cancer is rare, but your risk increases if you have a family history of it. It commonly affects boys and men between the ages of 15 and 35. We recommend routine self-checks, and scheduling an appointment with your doctor should any symptoms develop. These include a lump, aching, pain or feelings of heaviness in the testicle area.

Bladder cancer symptoms can include pain in the lower back, dark urine or blood in the urine. You may be surprised to learn that experts believe that cigarette smoking causes half of the cases of bladder cancer in the United States each year! If you experience any pain, discomfort or problems with urination, it’s best to see your urologist to pinpoint the cause right away.

At Arkansas Urology, we care about our patients and their families. Getting a necessary check-up or setting up an appointment after experiencing troublesome symptoms can make all the difference. Set time aside for your health. Schedule an appointment with us today!

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